Prince Charmalot (The Hero) is the son of the King and Queen of Pantomville. He falls in love with the peasant girl Cinderella (Our Heroine). After the death of her beloved father, she lives with her evil stepmother (The Baddie), who steals all her money and makes her work as a servant for her and her two daughters: Frambuka and Laquifa (The Ugly Sisters).
Cinderella’s devoted servant Buttons (best friend) is in love with her but knows he is not her true love. His love for her is so deep that he even likes to help her find her true love.
She is visited by her fairy godmother (the Angle) who grants her a wish and turns her into a princess until midnight. She goes to the royal ball where she meets the prince again. However, they do not recognize each other, but fall in love again and again. The clock strikes
twelve and Cinderella flees the palace. When her clothes turn to rags again, all that’s left of the mysterious princess is a diamond-encrusted biker boot.
The prince must now search the entire kingdom to find the owner because whoever these shoes fit will become the princess of Pantomville.